Welcome to Reflections Through the Medicine Wheel


Thanks for stopping by!

Check back often for updates, specials, discounts, classes, and events/festivals where I'll be at that you can get a mini session with me! On here I'll be posting all kinds of news articles about Reiki, Holistic Health, Shamanism, Massage, links to other great websites, and much more information about the advancements in Reiki, Holistic Health and Complimentary Alternative Medicine (CAM). I'm always updating, changing things around and trying to make this a great site for YOU! So let me know what you want to see and leave me some feedback! Thanks!

In Peace & Harmony,



Medicine Wheel
Big Horn Mountains, Wyoming

© https://mountainspics.com/picture/370495/


The Five Reiki Principles Taught by Dr Mikao Usui



Just for today, do not be angry

Just for today, do not worry

Just for today, be grateful

Just for today, work hard

Just for today, be kind to others


*** Disclaimer ***


Reiki and energy work are not a replacement for medical care and no diagnosis will be made. It is recommended that you should consult a licensed physician or other licensed health care professional for any physical or psychological ailment you may have. All personal information shared with the practitioner will be protected and upheld in the strictest of confidence.


All first time clients fill out a short intake form. There's an initial consultation for all first time clients before energy work can be done.